Copyrights of all pictures published on this website are reserved by Anna Lesisz (except*). No material published here can be copied, reproduced, posted or used in any way without author's written permission.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Hello Everyone. Today I realized  that  I completely forgot about my blog! Yes that's horrible I know.
So I decided to do a quick update. I have been working on 4 digital paintings / portraits for one of my clients.  The results of my work you can see here :

Except that I have been preparing to another Winterval in Waterford. The Polish Christmas Village is open again from the last Thursday, and it will be open for the next 3 weeks on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and if I am not wrong every day of the last week.
As every year I am part of this project. For this year I have prepared Christmas cards, mugs, handmade decorations, and few paintings. If you Guys live in Waterford, or at least in Ireland and you want to spend some nice time in a Christmas atmosphere, come to Waterford and don't be afraid to pop in. Polish Village offers the range of hand made products, paintings, lovely decorations ...etc.
Another reason to come is the Ginger Bread Workshop, where you can bake and decorate your own cookies.:)))))). For more details please visit this website

If you want to find out how did we get on last year, there is an episode from RTE TV, which I forgot to upload last year, but it was on my facebook website. My art is a part of it as well. So enjoy !!!!

Thats a screenshot from TV :


Witam wszystkich mala wzmianka na moim blogu po polsku tym razem. Zapomnialam o swoim blogu totalnie, poniewaz wszystkie wydarzenia dotyczaje mojej dzialalnosci wrzucam na fb. Wiec zamieszczam krotkie uzupelnienie. Pracowalam ostatnio nad 4 portretami dla mojej klientki,  (zdjecia wrzucilam powyzej ) i przygotowywalam sie do tegorocznego festiwalu Winterval ktory odbywa sie w Waterford od 4 lat. Jak co roku jestem jestem czescia tego projektu i sprzedaje w POLSKIEJ WIOSCE SWIETEGO MIKOLAJA swoje mikolajowe kubki, kartki, obrazy i dekoracje swiateczne wykonane recznie. Zapraszam wszystkich na oficjalna strone

Jesli chcielibyscie zobaczyc jak nam poszlo w ostatnim roku, do obejrzenia jest odcinek z  irlandzkiej telewizji RTE, ktory jest dokladnie nad tekstem po polsku. Powyzej umiescilam rowniez zdjecie z ekranu tv. Poszlo nam niezle, a moje prace sa niemala czescia tego odcinka.....